Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Milwaukee Holiday

2015 went out like a lamb. When I say that, I mean my mood was extraordinary! There were some seizures peppered in there, but my mood had been most important to me lately. It always should be, really.

We spent Christmas in Milwaukee visiting Sara's family, and New Years at home with a homemade lasagna! Sara and I both agree that our time closing out 2015 couldn't have been better. We got to spend some quality time together, and we didn't get sick of each other once! :)

We spent Christmas at her uncles empty condo, (he spends the winter in Arizona), and so that meant Sara could make cookies, and I felt free to get up and watch tv or read whenever I wanted. I haven't been sleeping too good, so that was a bonus.

Our Christmas' went well. We gave and received great gifts, and everything went pretty smoothly. No drinking for me, which we now know is key to my mood stability. I should've known this years ago, and probably did, but ignored it for some time.

The new year saw some seizures, but again, my mood stayed stable, and I was able to make it to 11pm to watch the ball drop in NYC, before heading off to bed. I seriously couldn't stay awake one minute longer! Sara's lasagna was delicious, as always, and so far 2016 has been ok.

I found a new supplement called melatonin that has helped my sleep, but I still have some work to do in that department. Hopefully nothing too strenuous. I really don't mind having to get up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. It's quiet, and in some ways relaxing. I just know I need the sleep to help with seizure activity.

So, so far, 2016 has been in like a lamb, as well. Let's just hope this year is a year of change for the better, and a path to a better, simpler life is laid out before us.

Happy new year to all of you!

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